Disclaimer: This blog only shares news for informational purposes and is not connected to these events. For questions and concerns, kindly contact the authorized organizers (contact information will be included in the post below).

Wiley Asia Pacific is presenting the third Asia Pacific (APAC) librarians conference or the Library Dialogue 2022 on September 28, 2022 (Wednesday), 2:15-5:00 PM online. The theme of the virtual event is, "Academic libraries in a post-pandemic world: Cultivating a hybrid learning and open science environment."
Speakers for this event include international librarians from different Asia Pacific countries such as Australia, Hong Kong, Japan, New Zealand and Taiwan.
Please note that this webinar is for academic librarians and the organizers may select which participants can join the program.
- Discuss the latest trends impacting academic libraries in Asia Pacific
- Bring together like-minded librarians to learn from and network with one another
- Share working case studies that other libraries can learn from and adapt
Registration link:
2:15 PM - Opening Address
2:30 PM - A shift in library's role from just a content provider in a hybrid learning environment
1) Flora Ng, Chief Information Officer & University Librarian, University of Hong Kong
2) Wilson Kwok, Assistant IT Director, University of Hong Kong
3:00 PM - A shift in collection development strategy: Digital collections and open educational resources
Speaker: Han-Ching Wang, University Librarian, National Cheng Kung University
3:30 PM - Panel Discussion: Moving towards an open access environment: The impact on academic librarians
Moderator: Alice Wood, Associate Director, OA Business Development, Wiley
Janette Burke, University Librarian, University of Tasmania, Australia
Kazuhiro Hayashi, Director of Research Unit for Data Application, National Institute of Science and Technology Policy, Japan
Tim Stedman, Content Coordinator, University of Canterbury, New Zealand
4:15 PM - Closing Keynote: Asia Pacific's readiness towards open science - a landscape view
Speaker: Alice Wood, Associate Director, OA Business Development, Wiley
4:45 PM - Closing Remarks
4:50-5:00 PM - End of event, platform closes
For questions and concerns about the event, you may reach out to the organizer via e-mail at libraryapac@wiley.com
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