European organization Knowledge Rights 21 will be conducting a free webinar on the topic, "Book Digitisation, Online Access and Lending: What Infrastructure is Needed for Success?” via Zoom on October 26, 2022 (Wednesday), 10 PM Philippine time or 16:00 CEST.
This is a free event. Please see below for registration link.
The speakers for this event are: Tommy Keswick, Digital Technologies Development Librarian of the California Institute of Technology; David Leonard, President of the Boston Public Library; and Allen Jones, Director of Digital Libraries & Technical Services in The New School.
About the webinar
“This webinar brings together practitioners from the California Institute of Technology, Boston Public Library and Project ReShare, and will focus on the library workflows, software, and others well as infrastructures involved in digitising books and providing access to patrons. Amongst other things, the webinar will include a discussion of secure digital lending technologies that ensure no more copies of copyrighted works are provided to library patrons than are owned by the library in physical form.”
Registration: Register here
Please be reminded that registrants for this webinar will be reviewed and confirmed by the organizers before they can join.
You may send questions and concerns to the organizer’s e-mail via info@knowledgerights21.org
Source: Knowledge Rights 21
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