
Library Trends and other titles from John Hopkins University Press now free to access

Around 1,400 books and 97 academic journals published by John Hopkins University Press are free to access through Project MUSE until May 2020. 

One of the journals available for free access at this time is Library Trends, a quarterly research journal on the librarianship field. Volumes 54 (2005) up to the current issue are accessible.

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According to the description, "Library Trends is an essential tool for professional librarians and educators alike. Every issue explores critical trends in professional librarianship and includes practical applications, thorough analyses, and literature reviews. Each issue brings readers in-depth, thoughtful articles, all exploring a specific topic of professional interest. Every year, Library Trends covers a wide variety of themes, from special libraries to emerging technologies."

Johns Hopkins University Press (established in 1878) is America's oldest and largest operating university press, publishing around 90 journals and 150 book titles annually. They have published more than 3,500 books since they started. Project MUSE is the Press's online platform where their many online journals are available.

John Hopkins University in Baltimore, Maryland, United States, is one of the top universities in the world.

Librarians, especially those doing their theses and research, should take advantage of these free resources while they are still available for a limited time.

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