
Webinar with 2 CPD points: Building Digital Collections using Minimal Computing workshop

The University of the Philippines Library Science Alumni Association (UP LSAA) will be conducting a three-part webinar series, "Research, Innovation, Synergy, Empowerment (RISE)". This theme of this webinar series is "Open Culture for Outstanding Services."

RISE "aims to advance the role of libraries, archives, and museums professionals by fostering an open culture leading to an outstanding service; introduce strategies and innovations that libraries, archives, and museums may adapt in developing their programs and services to achieve operational excellence and support and build a community of LAMs practitioners in the forefront in the proliferation of research and scholarship (UP LSAA)."

In line with the 32nd Library and Information Services Month this November 2022, the first part of the webinar series will be held on November 19, 2022 (Saturday), 2-5 PM. RISE 1 will discuss "Building Digital Collections using Minimal Computing: A Workshop with CollectionBuilder."

This webinar is free but only those who have paid the registration fee can get a certificate and obtain CPD points. According to PRC CPDAS, this webinar has 2.0 CPD units for paying attendees. For fees and payment details, see below.


Prof. Paul Jason V. Perez is an Assistant Professor at the UP School of Library and Information Studies, where he teaches introductory courses on LIS, ICT, and Programming. Before joining the school, he worked as a Senior Technical Associate for UP Information Technology Development Center, where he was involved in implementing an information system across the different campuses of the university. He finished his Bachelor of Library and Information Science from the same school. In 2019, he completed his Master of Digital Information Management from the University of Technology Sydney through the Australia Awards Scholarship. His current research interests include Digital Libraries, Linked Open Data, Digital Assets Management, Research Data   Management, among others. His latest projects, talks, and publications can be accessed on his website at


At the end of this webinar workshop, participants are expected to: 

  • Apply concepts of digital curation within the libraries, archives, and museums (LAMs) context, both in theoretical and practical terms
  • Empower the knowledge workers in LAMs to take control of their digital collections and web systems using doable and simplified approaches
  • Create a sustainable stand-alone project on a highly customizable base using CollectionBuilder

Registration link:

Bank account details for payment can be found in the registration form.

To obtain the CPD points and Certificate of Completion, the webinar has the following fees:

  • P300.00 for active UPLSAA members
  • P350.00 for NONMEMBERS
  • P250.00 for Graduate Students

For questions and concerns about this webinar, you may contact the organizers via e-mail at or their Facebook page, UP Library Science Alumni Association.

For information about the next RISE webinars, see the post below:

To register for the entire webinar-workshop series, please see this form:

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Source: UP LSAA

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