
Information Overload in the new normal

I open my Facebook feed, and I am bombarded by many things trying to get my attention. Aside from the usual posts from friends, there's an announcement for another webinar. Someone is trying to sell you something. Here's a free resource with thousands and even millions of information you might need. Here's an overwhelming list of links for you to access information right at your fingertips. Do I need to mention the latest statistics on COVID-19 growing every day? There's news again of another questionable thing the government is doing, followed by the usual complaints of the citizens. Everyone is anxious. I admit: I can't keep up.

I am a librarian, so I deal with a lot of information at work. We are adjusting to an all-online learning environment, and the library is trying to prove that the university needs us more than ever. We try to find and get accessible resources for the faculty and students since they can't go to the library the way they are used to. We are improving our social media presence and website which is part of what I'm doing. However, even the administration of our school admits that face-to-face classes are preferable. They are hoping that by September or in the first semester, face to face classes will be back (or some kind of 'blended learning'). They are also improving online education, as who knows if another disaster or pandemic will hit. 

I see a lot of information that I end up not using anything at all because I'm feeling overwhelmed. I am naturally a person with a low attention span, I can't focus on one thing for too long. For example, webinars. I see a lot of librarian groups organizing webinars which is great - they are really helpful at this time because we are all struggling with the new normal and we need useful information from the experts or people in the same situation. 

My problem is I can't concentrate during hours-long webinars. I actually prefer reading stuff because I can focus more. I wish there was some sort of database summarizing the key points of these webinars or even a page of links to everything like recordings, presentations, and the like. 

I feel like being exposed for too long in social media (my work also involves social media) is draining to the mind. I know that almost everyone's online since we can't travel or meet people the way we used to.  At the end of the day, I don't have the mental energy to do more taxing work like reading or writing. I enrolled in some online classes myself, but I still can't find the time to open them.

I feel like there are too many things happening at once. I need to take a step back and breathe. I feel the need to put my phone down and look at something else. 

Do you feel overwhelmed with all the information? Do you have anything to share to help alleviate this feeling?

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