
Free book! Coronavirus: A Book for Children

There seem to be many children's books authors and illustrators releasing free books on COVID-19 to educate and entertain children. So far, I've featured two free children's books in this blog: Covibook written and illustrated by Manuel Molina and My Hero is You: how kids can fight COVID-19! by Helen Patuck and published by the United Nations' Inter-Agency Standing Committee Reference Group.

Here is another free book targeted for kids about the COVID-19 pandemic, Coronavirus: A Book for Children written by Elizabeth Jenner, Kate Wilson, Nia Roberts; and illustrated by Axel Scheffler. It is published by Nosy Crow, United Kingdom.

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Download the book.

Written in simple language with charming comic book-style illustrations, it explains the nature of the virus, how it affects us, and what kids can do during this time. As School Library Journal said in its review, "An elegant, effective work. Download this now, read it immediately, share it with everyone you know. An educated citizenry is our best hope." (Source)

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